A friend of mine does this every once in a while and I thoroughly enjoy reading what she is up to, currently. I pray she doesn't mind my taking her idea.
LOOKING FORWARD TO: Colorado Spring. Where are you warm breezes, sunshine, and tulips? The seasons seem to be shifting forward. Ugly brown death in December, 70 degree sunshine in January, Beautiful Christmas snowfalls in March, the crazy cold winds of March in April, and not a blossom or warm rainfalls of April to beckon May blossoms. My prediction? Zero spring replaced by blistering summer heat of July. Sigh.
READING: Pride and Prejudice. The wonderful classic by Jane Austin of course. I have watched the newer film multiple times (once while in sync with a good friend living in Boston over the phone). With a literature degree, focus in Victorian Literature, one would think I would have read it by now. Nope. I haven't read Romeo and Juliet either. Fail in the literature department.
WRITING: As much as possible. Writing doesn't come easily to me. I have a tendency to think too much and edit my sentences as I write preventing me from getting further than a few sentences before I give up over laziness. Or I forget what I was writing about.
LISTENING: A podcast about the arts of parenting. It is plum full with inspiring pieces of advice and guidelines on raising children to be obedient and respectful without crushing their natural spirits or forming them into little copies of their parents. I have noticed that the youth of my generation and the next have zero respect for anyone or themselves and have no structure or tools to help them through life after high school. Their parents do everything for them and are basically ruled by them too afraid to upset their children and cause tantrums. This podcast gives parents the tools to be.. well, parents. Guardians and providers, not authoritarian dictators or flimsy pushovers. Anyways, hard to give this gem justice. You'll just have to listen for yourself.
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