Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lock Plays Ultimate

A friend informed me my blog wasn't good because I hadn't posted any pictures of Locklan yet. So, to make a better impression....

Catching some rays and absorbing our vitamin D for the day. Feels good to be so healthy!

The mini t-shirt says enough.

Living the life of luxury.

My day is filled with mini moments and it is my duty to enjoy each one. I forced myself to just sit and enjoy the sun with Lock instead of doing anything productive. I feel silly and useless even admitting I did nothing today, but because of that, I am able to learn new things about my son:

He loves, er, needs to be held as much as possible.
He forgets he is hungry and will fall asleep unless you remind him continuously.
Locklan hates having his feet wrapped up. It prevents him from being able to play Ultimate Frisbee in his dreams.
He knows when you leave the room.

Can't wait to see what new things tomorrow will discover!


  1. Ah! I love the way you are able to convey his little personality....and yours.

  2. Your blog is great without pictures, but I love seeing them! What a little cutie.
